Who am I? Good question… I have been many versions of me throughout my life. Right now my answer would be very different than what it was just months ago. When you get married you take your own identity and fuse it or bring it together with that of your spouse. Then the question becomes, who are we? I don't know how to answer that fully but I look forward to learning the answer.
I am a daughter of two amazing parents that love and support me in every good or crazy idea I ever had. My Father was in the Air force for 20 years and because of that we got to move all over the world. I am a British born American citizen. I lived in
At this very moment I am happy. I am marrying the love of my life! I can honestly say that. Never have I loved someone like I love David. I know that I am truly lucky. I was blessed with the opportunity to be with my first true love. God has opened the doors of heaven and poured a blessing upon my head. I know that David and I are meant for eternity and will settle for nothing less.
Who are we? We are two people that love each other. We are ready to face what life holds for us hand in hand. Two separate identities willing to work together to become something great.